Quality Policy

We have established this quality policy to be consistent with the purpose and context of our organisation. It provides a framework for the setting and review of objectives in addition to our commitment to satisfy applicable customers’, regulatory and legislative requirements as well as our commitment to continually improve our management system.

Customer focus: As an organisation, we have made a commitment to understand our current and future customers’ needs; meet their requirements and strive to exceed their expectations.

Leadership: Our Top Management have committed to creating and maintaining a working environment in which people become fully involved in achieving our objectives.

Engagement of people: As an organisation, we recognise that people are the essence of any good business and that their full involvement enables their abilities to be used for our benefit.  Utilize PLC also recognises the importance of clear lines of communications to enable effective management.

Process approach: As an organisation, we understand that a desired result is achieved more efficiently when activities and related resources are managed as a process or series of interconnected processes.

Improvement: We have committed to achieving continual improvement across all aspects of our quality management system; it is one of our main annual objectives. The management team shall ensure that root cause analysis shall be used on non-conformances to prevent reoccurrence and improve procedures.

Evidence-based decision-making: As an organisation we have committed to only make decisions relating to our QMS following an analysis of relevant data and information.

Relationship management: Utilize PLC recognises that an organisation and the relationship it has with its external providers are interdependent and a mutually beneficial relationship enhances the ability of both to create value.

Our policy is also to meet the requirements of other interested parties and in meeting our social, environmental, charitable, regulatory, and legislative responsibilities. Utilize PLC (the site) intends to meet the obligation to produce safe and legally compliant products, to the specified quality and understands it responsibility to its customers.

We have produced quality objectives which relate to this policy and they can be found in document …M13… Management Review and..QMF 36… Quality Objectives.

This policy is available and communicated to all interested parties as well as being made available to the wider community through publication on our Website and Company Sharepoint site.

M03 – Risk assessment.

A comprehensive risk management structure is in place as part of the ISO 27001, this is due to our systems being structured around IT, both internally and externally. Therefore ISO 9001 will concentrate on physical risks to the wider business, being failure by external suppliers which has the potential to delay our business culminating in delays to installation lead times, which could result in delayed payments. This is considered to be a minimal risk.

M04 – Planning Quality Objectives

We hold senior management meetings monthly during which all companywide actions are discussed and assigned to the relevant personnel.

M06 – Document Controls & Records

All documents are now kept in a computerised share point system, only authorised personnel ( NC/TG/GH/RB) are able to make any changes to documents , this is recorded whenever necessary.

Computer backups are taken every 15 minutes throughout the day, daily & weekly backups are held off site.

M08 – Control of external Providers

All external providers are only engaged once terms and conditions have been signed off by a director, they are sourced only by senior management.  Terms and conditions are retained in the accounts department.

Our terms and conditions of business are clearly stated on our website.

M09 – Production & Service Provision

Our procedures and processes are governed by our call logging system Cherwell, which tracks response times against the appropriate SLA.

All onsite work is recorded in Cherwell, and engineers are responsible for closing jobs for onward charging to customers. This is achieved by either invoicing direct from Cherwell or via Sage 200 all work is only charged after prior signed authority is received form the client, in the form of either an email or signed quotation.

M11 – Monitoring & Measurement results

All related tasks are measured by KPIs which are closely monitored by each department head. This is supported by quarterly One Page Plans which ensure good congruence from a business department, team and individual perspective.