Managed Security

An intelligent approach to securing your technology environment.

Get maximum protection for your business with our Managed Security Service and enhanced range of technology. With our team of Security Experts at the forefront of cyber protection, you’ll receive a comprehensive security policy and constant monitoring.

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Managed Security

What we do

Endpoint Management

Stay compliant with up to date and secure versions of software on all endpoints.


Reduce the risk of cyber attack through compromised credentials by 99.9%.

SSL Certificate Review

Ensure SSL certificates are configured correctly and securely.

External Vulnerability Scanning

Secure your network perimeter and ensure all out of date and weak protocols are removed.


Vulnerability scan against all Firewalls and Routers to highlight potential weaknesses. Review current privilege access policies and update as necessary.

Patch Management (Server OS)

Regular updates on all your servers ensuring security and compliance.

Microsoft 365 Secure Score

Insights and guidance to maximize security and take advantage of additional Microsoft 365 elements.

Cyber Essentials

Demonstrate your business is taking cyber security seriously for Government contract tenders and third-party work.

Dark Web

Visibility of data breaches on the dark web which may otherwise be unknown.

Phish Awareness

End user awareness training to reduce the risk of cyber breach.

Privileged Account Review

Reduce the risk of threat actors exploiting insecure or unused privileged accounts.

Email scanning and security

Scan all email traffic for spam and malicious links to protect your systems and users.

ASCEND makes moving managed security accessible and affordable for your business

Our comprehensive set of cyber security services are automatically configured at the start of your ASCEND contract and designed to provide your business with demonstrable and enhanced environmental security.

Find out more
ASCEND makes moving managed security accessible and affordable for your business

Discover how we can help your business hit peak performance

Learn more about how Utilize can transform your digital journey. Speak to a member of our team today.

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Read our latest insights

Seven network security measures to protect against ransomware attack

Seven network security measures to protect against ransomware attack

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Lack of Multi-Factor authentication is helping criminals access your data

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